
Most anticipated games

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  1. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: July 2, 2006, 1:51 p.m.

    Found this article on Digg today, titled "Games that will change the world", most anticipated games coming up...


    Some of my personal thoughts:

    Crysis, I have looked at this game before, and the graphics in the game are absolutely stunning. It's a follow up of "Far Cry", which pushed modern graphics cards to their knees. Crysis aims to take graphics one step further again.

    Unreal Tournament 2007 looks really awesome too, it's based on the Unreal 3 engine... If you want to have a sneak peek of what the Unreal 3 engine is capable of, there's a really cool tech video if you search Google for "Unreal Engine 3". Also makes heavy use of modern graphics card technologies, such as shaders.

    Half Life: Episode 2, I can't wait for this one myself actually. I've played the original Half Life back in the day, and since purchased and played Half Life 2. I found it to be one of the best 3D shooters I've every played. Instead of releasing a whole new game every 5 years, which is a long time to wait, the developers have decided to release periodic "episodes" instead. "Half Life: Episode 1" is already out, I'd get it myself if I had the money. Anyway, Half Life 2 would definitely be one of my recommendations.

    Vanguard Saga of Heroes, personal opinion, but I'm not really a fan of MMORPG's myself (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games). They expect you to pay fees of $30 a month or more, just to play the game, and from my perspective gameplay tends to be a little repetitive and boring. For some reason though, MMORPG's are really big currently, and some people get so addicted to them that they have sometimes lost their jobs and family, which is not a good thing really. I prefer standard RPG's with a good solid story-line. What happened to standard RPG's? There are not as many standard RPG's coming out these days, which is a real shame. I hope the MMORPG phase will soon blow over, which in my perspective is blown completely out of proportion.

    Talking about RPG's, one game I think that should have been mentioned in the list is Neverwinter Nights 2. Why is Neverwinter Nights so special? Because it's one of the very few RPG's that fully stick to the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition ruleset, which makes it really popular to hardcore D&D players. Neverwinter Nights was a really poplar game when it first come out, and still is today, with a thriving community of modders and players alike. I hope that NWN 2 lives upto it predecessor.

    Halo 3: I hope they bring it to PC, come on Microsoft, not every gamer wants to buy a console as well as their PC. I personally prefer a mouse to a control pad, I'm so used to playing 3D games with a mouse. I really hope they bring Halo 3 to the PC, otherwise I'm not interested.


  2. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: July 2, 2006, 2:07 p.m.

    Another few I think deserve mentioning.

    Project Offset: Not too much is known of the game yet, but there's a lot of talk going on around the net of the graphics engine, which is supposed to be revolutionary. Supposively one of the most graphically detailed game we will see in the next year, if it gets released.

    Titan Quest: Just something I found, being a fan of RPG games, I don't really know what it's like though, will have to give it a go.

    Spellforce 2: Once again, another game I don't know too much about. I haven't even played the original Spellforce, but I have heard about it. Spellforce 2 is supposed to combine RPG and RTS elements together in unique ways, where you as a hero, lead your army to war in a fantasy world. I don't know what the game will be like, but I'd definately like to try it out. RPG and RTS elements have been mixed before in the past, some more successful than others. Spellforce 2 looks both visually stunning and action packed. I hope it's not just another MMORPG though. πŸ™


  3. Author: Uber_deathworld
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 58
    Date: July 2, 2006, 9:53 p.m.

    Yea this game is pretty cool i cant wait till i get to see it being played the graphics are awesome .. it reminds me of when unreal came out.. it was just so "Unreal" with all the water effects, lighting etc.. it looked beautiful.. but then i get the same feeling with this game.. this game is by far the best graphics i have seen in a game so far :twisted:

    It is better to die on your feet then to live on your knee's


  4. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: July 3, 2006, 6:08 p.m.

    Unreal... That's the original Unreal 1 single player version I assume, man that was a while back now, 1997 or something.

    Unreal 1 was an awesome game when it first come out, graphics wise was much better than Quake 1 at the time, but it lost popularity pretty quick.

    Unreal 1 was still good to play, I still have it now, including the Na-Pali addon... Unreal 2 was just not the same, was far too short compared to Unreal 1 and story was cut off, just when I thought the interesting part was going to start it was the end of the game. πŸ™‚


  5. Author: Uber_deathworld
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 58
    Date: July 7, 2006, 5:26 p.m.

    Robb personally i hate the Episode series .. HL2 is not the only one releasing these "episode" series , ANd to be quite honest they are far too short.. another money making scam anybody?

    It is better to die on your feet then to live on your knee's


  6. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: July 7, 2006, 5:36 p.m.

    Yeah your probably right as I haven't even played episode 1 yet, lol, so I had no idea how long the addon pack was going to be. The original HL2 was good though, I just had no idea of the length of the addon pack.

    I was going to get it when I get the money, I probably still will get it one day just because it's HL2, lol. But at least I won't expect it to be very long now. :roll:


  7. Author: Uber_deathworld
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 58
    Date: July 7, 2006, 8:29 p.m.

    Dungeons and dragons.. now thats a good game ... but not on pc .. i espically dislike the RTS version of D&D.. but i love the good old pen and paper with your big collection of dice.. ahh getting angry at the dungeon master.. so much memorys

    It is better to die on your feet then to live on your knee's


  8. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: July 8, 2006, 12:10 p.m.

    Yeah, different people like different things off course, some D&D fans can't get into the RPG game equivalent on PC (I assume it was RPG you meant?). I haven't really played D&D on paper all that much, I've just been exposed to it.

    Initially I wasn't actually too keen on RPG games myself, until I actually tried it during a mini LAN. This was a few years ago, when a few of my mates brought their computers over for a few days and we did a 3 player network game of Diablo 2 from start to finish, which was awesome πŸ˜€. Kind of got me hooked on RPG's ever since.

    Neverwinter Nights is actually really close to the D&D equivalent (with a few additional Feats added, which are listed in the manual). It's so close, that every action you do you actually see the dice rolls made in the bottom window. I played it a few times through, last time I was an elf ranger. I wanted to train myself in dual weapon fighting, but found whenever I used two weapons I was a lot more useless than one weapon as I was being penalised for my offhand weapon. I had to gain the Ambidextrous Feat which lowered the penalty, then the Two Weapon Fighting and Advanced Two Weapon Fighting Feats, which lowered it even more. I got myself two nice Katana's, one with Fire Damage, the other with Poison Damage πŸ˜‰. I then found myself the Boots of Speed, which permanently Hasted me, giving me an additional attack roll per turn. I was unstoppable by that point, lol. I feel like playing it through again now... after I finished Oblivion maybe.

    But yeah, the computerised version isn't for everyone. They do still play D&D on pen and paper, a while back I saw a club somewhere here in Wellington that still do it, can't remember the link though.


  9. Author: Uber_deathworld
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 58
    Date: July 9, 2006, 7:12 p.m.

    Obiously D&D is a RPG .. but what i ment was the Real Time Stratergy Verion of D&D

    It is better to die on your feet then to live on your knee's


  10. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: July 9, 2006, 11:47 p.m.

    I see. I haven't played it yet, but that would be strange indeed, an RTS version of D&D.


  11. Author: Daedelus
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 7
    Date: Sept. 16, 2006, 10:06 p.m.

    My PC sucks, so I play my Sony PSP whenever i'm on the move (portable = brilliance) currently making my way through Syphon Filter:Dark Mirror.

    Any other PSP fans around?

    "When lost in twilights blue, you dont find the way, the way finds you."


  12. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: May 12, 2008, 6:27 p.m.

    Fallout 3 and starcraft2.

    Fallout 3 will hopefully be released this year.

    As for starcraft2 who knows, as anyone who knows blizzard will know an official release announcement doesn't mean anything lol.

    And i have to mention diablo3 here as many rumours at the mo of it being worked on.

    Forinstance recently blizzard purchased diablo3.com http://www.diablofans.com/

    Why could they possibly want to purchase this domain for anything other than diablo3 the game? even though blizzard deny that its for diablo3 the game.

    So all you oldschool hardcore diablo2 fans who refuse to become mindless brainless wow addicts get ready for a huge announcement from blizzard. I would say wait till the next blizzcon.

    Im very excited about 2008-2009 hehe.

    As im a longtime fan of things like starcraft and diablo :-)
