
Tell us your specs. What computer do you have?????

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  1. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: June 23, 2006, 5:57 a.m.

    Ive got an athlon XP 2500+ (not overclocked @ 1.83ghz)
    1 gb ram,2x512, runing in dualchannel (1 nice stick, 1 generic)
    GA-7N400-PRO2 mobo
    Winfast leadtek A6600 TD 128 AGP 8x
    17" digital crt monitor.
    wireless microsoft multimedia desktop
    over 400gigs hd space (multiple hd's, one runing on SATA)
    us robotics 56k modem
    1 dvd writer (crapy non DL)
    1 cd writer/dvd reader combo drive

    And proberly my most other significant brag worthy feature is my gigabyte lan port on board.

    Not to mention dualbios.

    hehe, buy quality get quality.

    btw if anyone should happen to know someone selling a athlon xp 3200+ let me know.
    It has recently come to my attention that these cpus have suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet and no one has one or is willing to sell.

    As i would like an upgrade at some stage this is what i must aquire. And its a pretty good upgrade, atleast few hundred ghz increase. I have 3200 rated heatsink and cpu fan at the mo runing on rig so dont worry.

    Also if anyone is interested in selling their GT card let me know. Im talking about vid card. Im only interested though in 6 series and above. Would be nice if you lived local too.


  2. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: June 23, 2006, 2:43 p.m.

    I have:

    • P4 2.8Ghz, Northwood Core, with HT and 800FSB
    • 1Gb Dual DDR 400 RAM, Corsair ultra low latency stuff, CAS 2-3-2-6
    • 120Gb Seagate HDD, 7200, 8MB Cache, IDE - it's enough for me
    • MSI Neo2, Intel 865PE, really nice chipset!
    • Albatron 256Mb GeForce FX 5600, overclocked
    • Creative Audigy 4 Pro, with Creative Gigaworks 7.1 speakers
    • Fanless 350W PSU, chipset fans replaced with passive cooling, heatpipe HDD cooler
    • Zalman Resorator 1, fanless water cooling system, so no fans whatsoever. 😉

    It's nice and quiet. 😉 However, I think when I get a bigger system I can't get away with fanless anymore, because I will need a higher wattage PSU, which doesn't come in fanless form anymore, also bigger CPU's and video cards may be too much for my current water cooling system.


  3. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: June 23, 2006, 2:48 p.m.

    What socket, Socket 754? Because I know where to get an Athlon 64 3000+ from, but like you said, they don't seem to have the 3200+ for that socket type anymore.

    Does your board accept the Athlon 64? or just standard Athlon?

    By the way, just like to say that the 256Mb GeForce 7800GS AGP edition is currently the fastest AGP card you can still get, but it's pricey at around $700, and it doesn't look like either NVidia or ATI have any plans to make any more AGP cards. 🙁 That's why I have to make the decision to either buy that card and make do with it for another year and a half, or buy a new Motherboard, CPU, Videocard, RAM, and PSU! ouch!


  4. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: June 24, 2006, 12:56 a.m.

    hey dude, its socket A.

    normal athlon class.

    Im telling you theirs either none around, or ppl are selling them for so much your better off going and get mobo/cpu combo upgrade.

    Im only interested in a 3200+. this way my motherboard will have highest cpu possible, and i will finally break the 2ghz barrier without overstressing my machine.

    I dont have the best cooling setup, tons of fans but they seem to do stuff all cause im in a small room 🙁

    As im sure your aware, athlon xp class cpus overheat extremely easyly.

    Its been said their the best for games, atleast most cost effective versus performance cpus for games apart from new athlon 64 processors. Not everyone can afford intel. Also amd is a overclockers dream, just gotta have that cooling. Unless you want to see what a cpu looks like when smoke starts to come off it.

    I fully agree, their is nothing with more share grunt than latest pentium. But can also get some nice 64 amd processors now.

    As for celeron, im not even gonna go their, ive seen how they run hehe.


  5. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: June 24, 2006, 2:39 p.m.

    Yeah Celerons aren't all that great when it comes to gaming, lol. They usually have half the cache, and a slower cache and FSB (Frontside Bus) than the Pentium equivalent. But for people that don't get into gaming, they can be an ok alternative as they're cheaper off course.

    I tend to call the Celeron 'Celery' and there's another one of my favourites, the S3 Savage onboard video card, I tend call 'S3 Cabbage', and then there's the S3 ProSavage, or 'ProCabagge', lol. 😀 Why do I have these naming schemes? Well I guess that those onboard Savages aren't really capable of playing games. But then again, they're ok if you just use your PC for a bit of word processing and internet really. Not going to be Vista capable though, I wouldn't even go there.

    The reason I have a Pentium 4 HT, and an 865PE (aka Springdale chipset) motherboard, because at the time, 2-3 years ago, this hardware only just came out and was the latest of the latest and got rave reviews back then, so I spent up large back then when they first came out. I've tried to maintain the system by doing the occasional upgrade, but now with AGP and Socket 478 being practically dead (superseded by LGA775 and PCI Express), my system is at the end of the line. I've personally had a bit more luck with stability going Intel over the years, but these are my views off course and others may think different. I'm definitely not anti-AMD at all, I do like their chips 😉, I guess they have to be paired with a good mobo, like NVidia NForce but not VIA. But then again Intel should only be paired with Intel boards, if you use cheaper alternatives such as SiS, don't expect the greatest stability. NVidia or ATI boards are good with Intel too.

    Saying that, did you know the Ynui server is running on a Celeron 2.66Ghz. The previous server was a second hand 433, and when we decided we wanted a bit more processing muscle, but without spending an arm and a leg (I mean it's only a server), we decided that the Celeron was a good chip for this purpose. The server runs a Celeron 2.66Ghz on an ATI RS350 motherboard, with built in ATI 9100 IGP graphics, 1Gb Dual DDR 400 RAM, Dual 10/100 Mbs network cards (one is built in), and a 40 Gig harddrive. The server runs Fedora Core 5 Linux, maybe soon to be Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake.


  6. Author: (Shane) Ubuntu
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 35
    Date: June 24, 2006, 7:35 p.m.

    • Intel Pentium M processor 1400 (Edit: Speed added)
    • 1MB L2 cache
    • Chipset intel 855PM
    • DDR PC2700, 1GB
    • 15.4" UltraSharp WUXGA TFT LCD
    • Screen resolution = 1920 x 1200
    • NVIDIA Quadro FX Go700, 128MB DDR, OpenGL hardware acceleration
    • 60GB capacity, 5,400 RPM speed, EIDE/ATA-100 (Edit: Changed speed)
    • Up to 1000 Ethernet
    • Wi-Fi compatible (802.11g)
    • Bluetooth
    • Windows XP Professional

    Your right it's 5,400 RPM
    Screen resolution = 1920 x 1200
    Processor = Intel Pentium M processor 1400

    For all your computer needs

    It's not a 9-5 job. It's an every moment you're awake job because you actually enjoy the work that you're doing.

    Ubuntu Linux user
    Registered Linux user: #427130

    Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn, aMSN 0.97b


  7. Author: Winston
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 24
    Date: June 25, 2006, 12:39 a.m.

    Oh well, might as well...

    iBook G4 Laptop

    1GHz PowerPC G4
    768MB RAM
    60GB ATA/100 4200 rpm
    DVD-ROM/CD-RW Slot-loading Combo Drive
    ATI Mobility Radeon 9200 - 32MB DDR SDRAM
    OS X 10.3.9
    Screen Spanning Doctor hack to enable screen spanning across the LCD and 20" Viewsonic CRT.

    Its my gaming rig... for Civilization 1, Flashback and Snes9x that is! 😂 Gets through my print and web design work ok anyway.


  8. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: June 25, 2006, 1:54 a.m.

    Hehe, funny as. Anyway, Shane, what speed Pentium M was it again in your lappy, I think it's missing that info. Pentium M's are real performers though, Pentium M at 1.6Ghz performs more like a 2.6Ghz P4 and they run nice and cool too 😉. That's why Intel are continuing that line of processors with their upcoming Core 2 Duo chip.

    Does your laptop really contain a 7200RPM hdd? That's rarely seen in laptops, really top of the line stuff if it is. Most laptop drives are still either 5400RPM or 4200RPM.

    Also forgot to mention my monitor. Philips Brilliance 22" Trinitron @ 1600x1200 85Hz. 😉

    Winston: Nice machine. PC users have to realise here that Mac's get way more performance per Ghz, so a 1Ghz Mac is actually quite fast. And Mac OS X is a very good and fast OS, built on Unix. It's 3D accelerated too via OpenGL, something we won't see on windows 'till Windows Vista!


  9. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: June 27, 2006, 1:01 a.m.

    hey winston, flashback rocks.

    Used to love playing that game.

    Followup to another world i beleive. I remember seeing another world when it first came out on a pc at dicksmith, was a huge group of geeks just standing around looking at it in awe, watching someone play it who had obviously way to much time on their hands (wasn't me) lol.

    btw, lisa says hi and how are you.

    she lives in melbourne now.


  10. Author: Winston
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 24
    Date: June 28, 2006, 10:02 p.m.

    Blast from the past, thought I recognised your handle. Whats Lisa up to in Melbourne? Gday as they say over here. I'm in a place called Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, which is the middle of nowhere basically!

    Yeah, Flashback is pretty cool. Never actually finished it back in the day, so its on the laptop waiting for me to play it again... when I get enough time to.

    Apparently Another World was a completely separate game, and its creator had nothing to do with Flashback. But they look so similar and were published by the same company, that someone must of been ripping someone else.


  11. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: June 29, 2006, 2:02 a.m.

    hey winston. Lisa is over their acting. Was until very recently working for a theater cabaret restaurant show. She was one of leads.

    Shes off to the uk soon, on some kinda OE.

    heres the link for the place she was working for


    As you may see if you goto the very first page you will see message about the restaurant being devastated by a fire. Luckily lisa was over here when this happened and had already finished up their. But you can still see her profile on the website and possibly some pics of her acting.

    damn shame really, was quite a good show when i went and visited her.

    get in touch if you want me to pass anything on to her.

    my email should be available under my profile.


  12. Author: Winston
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 24
    Date: July 1, 2006, 8:01 p.m.

    Yep that website was still up, that looked like a pretty cool gig! Hope she has good luck with the acting over here.


  13. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: July 3, 2006, 10:05 p.m.

    hey winston, shes actually already gone back to aus. She Was over here on holiday.

    But i will tell her good luck from winston anyway.

    Im sure she'll appreciate it.

    Might even try and get her on this site someday.

    When she has regular access to pc. Unlike her brother, lol, she isn't total computer geek. But im sure you already knew that. hehe. 😂


  14. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: May 12, 2008, 6:41 p.m.

    lol, my specs are somewhat better now than my first post.

    amd 939 4800+ X2 dual core.
    2 gigs of ram (ddr 400 got a prob with my slow ram lol?
    7300GT 256 (its a brand most people prob never heard of)
    A8N32-SLI Deluxe, pretty much 939 ASUS FLAGSHIP
    1x 320gb SATA2 1x 160 SATA1

    Psu is nothing amazeing so not worth mentioning.

    And thats really about it.

    All in all not a bad machine, the cpu alone at the time i brought the box was worth half the cost of box hehe.

    Only stink thing is cant goto AM2, but then im not planing to for sometime.

    Will do another post once ive upgraded, but thats a little ways off yet.
