Does anyone know how to laugh anymore?
Location: Forum - General - Does anyone know how to laugh anymore?
Author: Soap Merchant
User type: Standard User
Posts: 80
Date: Feb. 27, 2019, 6:55 p.m.Lately it seems there's long faces everywhere and no one has a sense of humor anymore. Is that the future of mankind where people are not aloud to joke around anymore and everyone must conform to what is politically correct?
I seem to be getting this more and more, no one cares having a laugh anymore. Why? Circumstance? Environmental worries? During WW2 one of the things that keeped the British people strong was their sense of humor, where has this gone in NZ? When a man or woman reaches the age of 40 are they not allowed to make jokes anymore? Is there some unwritten rule?
I needed a place to outlet and this was it. Maybe it'll encourage others to lose the long faces, because after all is life not but one big merrygo round?