
uploading photos to galley.

Location: Forum - Wainuiomata.com Website - uploading photos to galley.

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  1. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: June 28, 2006, 12:31 a.m.

    Hi, are you guys gonna implement the ability to upload photos by the public to gallery at any stage?

    I was thinking you could use a rateings system. So that if offensive photos and such things happen to make it here, they wont be immediately viewable.

    But it would be cool for the public to be able to upload interesting things they have seen.


  2. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: June 28, 2006, 2:33 a.m.

    Hi, probably not for now, here's several reasons I believe why:

    1. Even with a rating system, it is very hard to keep track of the photos that get uploaded, and a particularly harmful photo could still be up for a short period of time, before people can vote it off. This could offend some people, and we could be viewed as the source of the problem to some people.
    2. Spammers were a big problem to begin with for a few of the existing features that we have, such as the guestbook and news. Initially we were getting quite a few offensive messages from spammers in the guestbook, and it took us a while to write a good solid spam filter to stop this. I think uploading photos is going to be even more inviting to spammers, not only could they upload offensive photos, but it will also drain our bandwidth, as they continually try to upload these photos (spammers try to hit our guestbook quite a lot, but 99.9% are blocked by our spam filter. It still costs bandwidth however)
    3. At the moment, we are quite busy writing other websites for the Wainuiomata community, which keeps us occupied. We are also slowly working towards a "v2.0" rewrite to the Ynui site for the future which is going to be huge when released. We want to try and focus on this, yet at the same time maintaining (and adding) to the existing Ynui site, new additions to the site take long, so will have to be at a minimum or at least carefully selected.

    If viewers have some photos of Wainuiomata, that they believe would be a nice addition to the site, it would probably be best to contact us via email, and we can go from there.


  3. Author: robvdl
    User type: Administrator
    Posts: 122
    Date: June 28, 2006, 10:54 a.m.

    Like we discussed in our MSN, there is a small possibility, that we may consider thinking about adding something along these lines. Nothing is set, it's just a possibility, but if we are going to add a gallery uploading ability, it will most likely be for premium members only (aka Power Users), the reason being, this will prevent spammers, and any Joe Bloggs from uploading undesirable content. It could be just one of the many premium services we could possibly add to the site in the future, but like I said, nothing has been decided yet, it may only appear in "v2.0" of the Ynui site for all I know, we don't really know ourselves... only time will tell. The reason being, creating things like this takes time, places like the gallery might appear simple on the surface, but behind the scenes, there's a complex, 1800-line custom written script/program that handles it all, which can take weeks to create. We currently have to balance creating "v2.0" of the Ynui site, as well as extending, and maintaining the existing site, and working on other sites 😉.


  4. Author: Soap Merchant
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 80
    Date: June 29, 2006, 2:30 a.m.

    thats a fair enough reply rob.

    It would just be a nice feature.

    I look forward to seeing what develops in regards to that.

    I will check this thread and the news section from time to time:)
