
Using BBCode (now Markdown)

Location: Forum - Wainuiomata.com Website - Using BBCode (now Markdown)

  1. Author: Ynui Admin
    User type: Standard User
    Posts: 4
    Date: June 13, 2006, 12:35 a.m.

    NOTE: As of 2024 the forums have switched to Markdown and no longer use BBCode.

    The information below is now considered outdated and kept for historical reasons only. Please refer to a Markdown guide instead.

    You can use BBCode in the Ynui Forums to format the text in your messages, and make your posts more interesting, here is a quick list of the tags you can use:

    [b]Bold Text[/b]



    You can also mix several styles together, but make sure you close the tags in reverse order:

    [b][i][u]Bold, Italic, and Underline[/u][/i][/b]

    Here are a few more tags you might like:

    [size=36]Big Text[/size]

    [color=red]Red Text[/color]

    [size=36][color=red]Big, Red Text[/color][/size]

    You can also use bulleted lists:

    [*]Item 1
    [*]Item 2
    [*]Item 3

    Or numbered lists:

    [*]Item 1
    [*]Item 2
    [*]Item 3

    You can also link to a website (but please do not use it to spam the forums, or we may have to remove your message)

    [url=www.ynui.co.nz]Visit Ynui Technology![/url]



    Ynui Technology Limited

    For all your computer needs
