
Posts by Shane Maru

Website Update

Posted on April 3, 2006 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Announcements

Ynui Technology would like to let you know that a complete redesign of the website has been underway and we are pleased with the result so far. A new feature has been added to the site, in which you can add your own image icon to your comments. This feature is called a Gravatar, which we use it in our Ynui News section. Please feel free to check the comment for this article, which shows an example Gravatar icon.

There's still content to be added to the website, but we thought it would be a good idea to upload what Ynui Technology has done so far and hope to complete the site over the next few weeks.


Back online

Posted on February 21, 2006 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Announcements

Been busy preparing our business over the last few months. We have this site back up and running and currently redesigning the look of the website. Very pleased to be back online and look forwarded to whats to come 🙂


Google Earth

Posted on August 16, 2005 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Reviews

Downloaded this program called Google Earth, very impressive. The idea is simple. It's a globe that sits inside your PC. You point and zoom to anyplace on the planet that you want to explore. Satellite images and local facts zoom into view. Tap into Google search to show local points of interest and facts. Zoom to a specific address to check out an apartment or hotel. View driving directions and even fly along your route.


Free Online Telephone

Posted on August 16, 2005 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Reviews

Been using this cool program which allows anyone to talk over the internet for free, Skype which has had over 149,385,128 downloads, well worth the download all you need is a headset with mic and your away.



Website Update

Posted on May 13, 2005 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Announcements

Ynui website was down over the last couple of days due to a hardware failure with the server. Since then this issue has been resolved.

Some comments to articles were lost.




Wellington View

Posted on April 25, 2005 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Reviews

Hey guys just been playing Need for speed - Underground 2. Tehe 🙂 Yeah did search for Wellington Websites and came across an interesting website, it has some nice webcam shots of Wellington. So check it out!

Wellington Views (internet archive link, site disappeared in 2013)



Noticeboard Added

Posted on March 23, 2005 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Announcements

We have added a Noticeboard to help those, who want to advertise on our site. If you have anything you want to add to the noticeboard feel free to contact Shane. 🙂
