
Posts filed under Opinion


Posted on October 18, 2014 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Opinion

A lot has been happening, and very positive too, the server technology is being upgraded, a lot of relationships are being developed, will keep moving forward day by day.  Very happy with progress moving forward.

If you have anything you would like to share with anyone, feel more than free to contact us.


NuiFM Talk

Posted on September 26, 2014 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Opinion
Tags: wainuiomata

Another day out and about, meeting new people, was offered to talk on the local radio station, just to try to reach out to more people this idea I have.

Was the first time I have talked on the radio and it was awesome! would do it again and again.

Thank you to NuiFM and the staff at the community centre to offer and allow me opportunity to share my idea to the listeners of the station today at 11am 🙂


Positive day

Posted on September 25, 2014 by: Shane Maru
Filed under: Opinion

Today was awesome met some very down to earth people, thanks for all your support.

Love waking up everyday looking forward to the lessons to learn?

New relationships, and rekindling of old relationships, nothing bets working on old relationships gone sour?

The feeling to admit faults and apologising for broken promises and the positive receptions received?

I wished I faced my demons earlier?

Being positive and respecting others?

Been seeing so much support everywhere? everyone always has something positive to offer everyone?

Find it easy to hear and see the negative of others is effortless (gossip) but sourcing the positives are worth the efforts?

Thanks for all the positive support to all those I have been catching up with?

Looking forward to catching up with as many people as plausably possible?

Want to source all the positives?
